Starting with XC90, fault tracing will be displayed and shown in a ranked order. Volvo Standard Time (VST) information is integrated into VIDA.

Changes and corrections can be applied with a much shorter lead time. VIDA 2015 is 100% internet based, which means you will always have the most current information at your fingertips. VIDA 2015 has an extensive HELP section which can be reached at any time simply by hitting the “F1” button on your keyboard. We have incorporated feedback from our users, as well as made changes to accommodate our future vehicles. Several years of development have been put into this new workshop application. “VIDA 2015 is 100% internet based, which means you will always have the most current information at your fingertips.”Should be”VIDA 2015 is 100% the end of hacks, and might be the end of shadetree Volvo diagnosis, depending on how high we price it.” Only subscriptions to VIDA 2015 which is all online will help you. You won’t be able to get away with sticking DICE on a 2016 carry over model either that still uses an OBD2 interface. If VIDA 2014D lists 20A cars.2015A introduced Drive-E cars.2014D will not do anything for 2016 cars like the XC90 because they introduced Ethernet as a connection option in the car. Vida 2015A update some car models until 2018 / 2019, most to 2017 year.

Here is one tested Volvo dice interface running VIDA 2015A: VIDA 2015A software plus the special dongle source